
AWorkSAFE Service, Inc. offers the following courses to assist in educating
employees, supervisors, managers, lead personnel and
students about controlled substance testing.

Contact us to inquire about our training services.
Our class schedule and registration form is available online by following the link below:
This two (2) hour course will assist in educating your employees about how controlled substances and alcohol affect the employee's personal health, safety, and the work environment. This is an excellent opportunity for the employer to introduce the company's policy to the employees. Having an educated workforce informed about your program will minimize fears and confusion about drug and alcohol testing. This course will also satisfy the employee training required by the Federal Transit Administration and the United States Coast Guard regulations.
This three (3) hour class prepares supervisors, managers, lead personnel to make reasonable suspicion determinations of possible drug/alcohol misuse of their employees. This course exceeds the DOT rules requiring a minimum of two-(2) hour education allotting additional time for discussion about specific federal drug and alcohol testing regulations. Attendees will receive a "Certificate of Completion" to verify their instruction. Multi-employer seminars or individual employer sessions conducted at your facility are available. The class can be designed to your company specific requirements and can incorporate your own Drug Policy and Procedures for a more comprehensive program. A two (2) hour program for non-regulated (non-DOT) employers is also available.
Click here for class schedule and registration form
This eight (8) hour course prepares the student for conducting DOT urine drug screen collections. The course covers the qualification training and initial demonstration of proficiency required by 49 CFR Part 40.33. Qualification training covers collector qualifications, collection site facility requirements, use of the Federal Custody and Control form, steps in the collection process, and obstacles to completing a collection. The student must perform five (5) consecutive error-free mock collections. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of written quizzes and mock collections. This instruction is also used for refresher training required every five (5) years. This is not a train-the-trainer course.
This eight (8) hour course prepares the student for performing breath alcohol test using the Intoximeter Alco Sensor IV/RBT IV device. This evidential breath testing device is approved for DOT alcohol testing. The course covers the qualification training and initial demonstration of proficiency required by 49 CFR Part 40.213. Qualification training instructs the student on the DOT rules and regulation and use of the EBT instrument. Demonstration of proficiency using the instrument will be to conduct a minimum of seven (7) tests. Upon successful complete of the written test and seven (7) tests the student will receive certification as a Breath Alcohol Technician. This instruction is also used for refresher training required every five (5) years. This is not a train-the-trainer course.
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